Friday, June 19, 2020

Invest during Covid-19

This blog is for people who "believe"

A million dollar question these days! What do I do with my money?

When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. It's time to make hay while sunshine. Covid is opportunity, seize it.

The world is going nowhere, it just changing its course! Believe in what's going on around and move your money accordingly. Here are top five instruments and strategy.

1. Real estate: - All said and done, people need home. It's time to keep a close eye and stay invested in real estate. People need their "own" home more than ever. 

2. Gold: - All said and done, the world economics driven via Gold. It is still good time since the great recession is yet to begin. Leave it to leaders to solve world's problem. They are printing and gold has amazing future. Silver too.

3. Cryptocurrencies: - Do not underestimate the power of blockchain. The world is acknowledging the power of this technology. Yes it is risky but at the same time it is the best instrument to park some fraction to secure the future as well feel good factor that you did not miss the bus.

4. Equity:- Businesses will not go anywhere, they gonna come back. Markets runs the world. Keep a close eye and have faith in equity. Be cautious though as money may get locked for a long time if world goes into recession for long.

5. Health:- If you live healthy and longer, you will make more money. So stay fit, happy, relax and take it easy approach.


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